
  XDiscovery DiscoverX is your all-in-one solution for effortlessly discovering and connecting to devices on your network. Whether you're seeking nearby Bluetooth peripherals or devices utilizing DNS-based service discovery (DNS-SD), DiscoverX simplifies the process with its intuitive interface and robust functionality. Features: - Bluetooth Device Discovery: Seamlessly scan for nearby Bluetooth devices with just a tap. XDiscovery swiftly locates all available devices within range, including headphones, speakers, smartwatches, and more. - DNS-SD Service Discovery: Explore devices utilizing DNS-SD on your network. XDiscovery identifies services such as printers, file servers, network cameras, and IoT devices, allowing you to access them with ease. - Detailed Device Information: Gain insight into each discovered device's characteristics. XDiscovery provides comprehensive details, including device name, type, signal strength (for Bluetooth), IP address (for DNS-SD), and supported ...